While my work was showing at the Townley Gallery in Laguna Beach, I am honored to have had the opportunity to be featured in Laguna Beach Magazine.
IrisWork Featured in Laguna Beach Magazine

While my work was showing at the Townley Gallery in Laguna Beach, I am honored to have had the opportunity to be featured in Laguna Beach Magazine.
Interview and video by Morgan Mercier ©2011
One more week before the closing of the exhibition. November 18, 2010 Meet Olivier Pojzman, a fine art photographer, whose large panoramas have a way of turning a wall into a window to another place and time. The perspective is actually greater than the human eye is capable of producing, which means in order to […]
Oliver was featured on French Television showcasing his current exhibit at the ArcLight Cinema in Hollywood.
More than 150,000 will see ‘dream-like’ art during 6-week exhibit Collection of Hollywood businesses to support local Gallery Opening: Tender Greens, Bodega Wine, Colorplak, Zuma Press, and more. Media Day – October 5, reserve time for interview Designers Day – October 26, discount for designers or property managers Hollywood, CA, Sept. 28 / PRNewswire: Award-winning artist Olivier Pojzman’s panoramic photography has been […]
L’Ouest américain est sa source d’inspiration. Sa marque de fabrique : les grands formats. Olivier Pojzman est passé maitre dans l’art de la photo panoramique explorant les déserts, plages et vastes plaines californiennes. Ses toiles sont à l’échelle des paysages qu’il photographie.
Olivier Pojzman received the Artists For A Better World “Social Betterment” award at the AFABW Awards Event and Concert which was the featured event at the AFABW 9th annual Arts Festival, on November 7, 2009 at Celebrity Centre International in Hollywood.
“I recommend the work of Olivier Pojzman, whose Californian panoramics, all printed on canvas, remind us of the great American masters – David Hockney and Edward Hopper. One also notices the influence of hyperrealism. Olivier was exhibiting until April 30 in the heart of downtown, along with five other French artists.” – David Martinon, Consul General […]
Marie-Amélie Fauchier-Magnan Publié le 24 avril 2009 C’est à travers l’objectif de son appareil qu’Olivier Pojzman, lui, a cherché à exprimer son « ailleurs ». Ce Français, installé depuis quinze ans à Los Angeles, présente à la Continental Gallery des photographies panoramiques de presque deux mètres de long ou de haut. Un format idéal pour […]